“Whisker & Bone is

my love letter

to myself.”

Samm Albright

My very first full-time job was at my local pet store.

As the first employee, I worked closely with the owner who treated me with a deep level of respect and empathy. She had an unwavering passion to give dogs and cats the longest, happiest, healthiest lives possible. Without knowing it at the time, her personal mottos were shaping my career;

Dog & Cat health starts with the best food and diet

Put your community first, and personal gain second

Center your heart in the Rescue community

The examples she set made me the entrepreneur and boss I am today. It was in her store that I fell in love for the first time- with myself. Having felt “lost” for many years of my life, I instantly felt like I belonged there. I felt inspired, passionate, and exuberant to absorb every bit of information I could about dog and cat health.

So, nine years later and with much excitement, I bring you the result of my twenties- Whisker & Bone. This pet store is not only a love letter to myself and the community of Southern Utah, but to all the little girls out there who felt too lost to ever be found. I’m your people, and this is your place!